MAY 12, 2011


10:00 A.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present: Paula B. Keefe, Richard B. Gorden, and Mark J. Mazur.


  1. The Board signed a notice of acceptance for the increase of exemption amounts of up to 100% for Fiscal Year 2012.
  2. The Board read a notice from Omnipoint Communications withdrawing their Fiscal Year 2008 Appellate Tax Board case.
  3. The Board reviewed a summary of our actions on Fiscal Year 2011 abatement applications.
  4. The Board discussed the results of Town Meeting on articles related to our office.
  5. The Board read a letter from the representative for Parcel 130-31 agreeing to a settlement of their Fiscal Year 2011 appeal.  The Board then granted a Fiscal Year 2011 abatement for Parcel 130-31 in final settlement of their appeal.


10:24 A.M. The Board was polled and each individual present voted in the affirmative to go into Executive Session to discuss their strategy for several pending appeals.

10:43 A.M. The Board returned from their Executive Session and resumed their open Board Meeting.


  1. The Board decided to hold their next meeting on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 10:00 A.M.


11:00 A.M. Adjourned.